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Green Silence Group, the new Italian hub that has united the skills of Motive, Settima Meccanica, and Spin, is thus revolutionise the market of electric motors for industrial vehicles with a range of ultra-high performance and energy-efficient products that not only reduce pollution (acoustic and environmental) but also definitively eliminate the use of permanent magnets. This innovation, in fact, allows for significantly better performance in terms of both efficiency and environmental protection: unlike common synchronous electric motors produced with the use of magnets, whose rotors are heavier and subject to drops in efficiency with heating, the Green Silence Group's new electric motors, the 'Spinrel', guarantee higher energy performance and noise abatement thanks to better mechanical characteristics. In addition, they allow for a responsible use of resources, also thanks to their very high recyclability and the elimination of mining, which has a very strong impact on the environment.
These motors are thus intended to meet the new requirements of electric mobility by reducing dependence on foreign supplies and market fluctuations linked to the price of rare earths from Asia, which are used in the production of permanent magnets, while also improving performance and environmental impact in the disposal phase.
It is an innovation that could revolutionise the production of industrial and commercial vehicles both on-road (last-mile vehicles for logistics, city buses, school buses, rubbish trucks, etc.) and off-road (e.g. agricultural machinery, diggers, forklifts, etc.) or even ultra-silent humanoid robots.
And what's in it for industry? Well, imagine the same technology repurposed for pumps, fans, hydraulic power packs, and many other energy-intensive and speed-sensitive applications. This will be the next step.