A universal expandable information system comprising of sensors + gateway + platform + pushnotifier, open, autotuning, IIoT, machine learning and A.I., ALL IN ONE


A universal expandable information system comprising of sensors + gateway + platform + pushnotifier, open, autotuning, IIoT, machine learning and A.I., ALL IN ONE

We saw
-toy sensors that had to be thrown away when the battery was down,
-sensors giving one number data per day (how do you understand, for example, abnormal vibrations if someone was using a hammer nearby in that moment?),
-mouths filled of the word "artificial intelligence" when only 2 (vibration, heating) neurons were there, we heard
-talking about "machine learning" when it was us that had to state a tolerance for each taken value,
-people adding the "AI" term when the taken values correlations were not learned.

Well, it was just nice to see a number in an app and see it as a solution... but how useful was it really?

And what if now we had a UNIVERSAL EXPANDABLE SENSING permanent system comprising of gateway + platform + pushnotifier, open, autotuning, IoT, machine learner, all-in-one and not a complicate assembly of devices, that incorporates the most brilliant patented Artificial Intelligence for predictive maintenance (a REAL one, and not just a marketing word)? And what if that not only receives data, but can also send commands from an app (slow down, stop, etc.)?

We would be faced with something that can really do predictive maintenance but, more importantly, that can do a lot more than that.
A dream? No, it's already there. We invented and patented it. It is called DOCTOR 4.0

Industrial invention patent No. 102021000024412

Download Area Manuals and Catalogs


Download: DOCTOR 4.0


Download: General Catalogue

Our products
IE2 or IE3, IP55, multi-voltage, multi-frequency, aluminium body, S1
IE2, IE3 or IE4, IP55, multivoltage and multifrequency, S1 duty, cast iron frame
with negative functioning electromagnetic brakes
for ambient temperatures up to 100°C, and S1 continuous duty
ATEX certified motors for zones 1-2-21 and 22, Cat. 2 and 3, Dust and Gas
patented system, easy to use, IP65, with removable control panel, remotable wireless
variable speed drive, for 1PH supply and 3PH motors, up to 2.2kw
control unit for air suction and ventilation
compressors control unit
control units for single phase and three phase hydraulic power packs
VFD for the automatic control of water pumping systems
island or hybrid drive for solar pumps and motors
ATEX certified V.F.Drives for zones 21 and 22, Cat. 2 and 3, Dust
The gearbox model ROBUS-A completes ROBUS range
made in cast iron, with a capacity of up to 4300Nm
Monolithic iron body for heavy duty, bevel gears in the second stage, max 4300Nm
for shaft mounting too. Monolitic iron body. Max 5900Nm
made with die-casting aluminium housing from size 25 up to 90, and in cast iron from size 110
to be mounted on any type of fitted geared motor (PAM)
new planetary cone disc variators
ATEX certified gearboxes for zones 1-2-21 and 22, Cat. 2 and 3, Dust and Gas
A universal expandable information system comprising of sensors + gateway + platform + pushnotifier, open, autotuning, IIoT, machine learning and A.I., ALL IN ONE